Our Priorities

These definitions are used as the basis by which the Association for the Advancement of Asians (AAA) grades San Francisco elected officials. 

  • Public Safety

    Public safety is one of the most fundamental human needs that must be fulfilled by society. This includes the physical safety of the general public and the security of personal and business property. The government and its representatives (elected and appointed) are responsible for ensuring that people feel safe from harm and danger.

    Key components of public safety include:

    Law enforcement: to protect people from criminal activity, prevent future crimes, conduct criminal investigations, and penalize criminal offenders

    Day-to-day well-being: to ensure people are safe from harm and danger, including responding to emergencies, maintaining safe and clean roads and infrastructure, and ensuring that public utilities are safe to use

    Emotional safety: to minimize the lingering effects and trauma on victims of crimes

  • Public Education

    Public education is a cornerstone of society, intended to provide free education to all children, regardless of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or any other distinguishing feature. It is focused on the ideas of core content knowledge, citizenship, and the skills necessary for young people to be successful once they become adults.

    Key components of public education include:

    Equal opportunity: equal education should be provided to all children, regardless of wealth, race, class, socioeconomic status, religious origin, etc.

    Successful preparation: after full participation in the public education system, children should be ready to contribute to society by successfully transitioning to college (for further preparation) or effectively entering the workforce

    Fulfilling potential: society advances and grows when children are encouraged and enabled to push boundaries to achieve their full potential

  • Economic Development

    Economic development involves allocating limited resources – land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship – in a way that positively affects the level of business activity, employment, income distribution patterns, and fiscal solvency. It is a process of deliberate intervention in normal economic growth by making it easier or more attractive. Sustained economic growth can provide sufficient incomes for the local labor force, profitable business opportunities for employers, and tax revenues for the government to maintain an infrastructure to support this continued growth. There are many initiatives that a government can support to encourage investments where the community feels they are needed the most.

    Key components of economic development include:

    Small business: helping new and existing local businesses thrive by creating an environment of healthy competition and providing loans, grants, subsidies, and other targeted outreach efforts to encourage small business growth

    Regulatory: streamlining complex regulations and taxes that create unnecessary burden on small business development and job opportunity creation

    Workforce: enabling a productive workforce through job training, career services, and other benefits, including equitable access to culturally appropriate healthcare